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my story

Hey, I’m Kate.

I am a consultant and a certified coach.

I work with teams to sort through complex business problems by focusing on people.

I work with individuals to gain clarity and confidence and build an action plan to up-level their careers and lives.

I love to sort through the chaos of change and whether I’m working with teams or individuals I know that change can be messy and it can be hard to gain clarity and perspective. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to tackling a challenge or going after a big dream. I help others to expertly navigate the process of change.

I spent over 10 years in large organizations managing, leading and helping people navigate change and my personal success came from knowing that change is an individual process. I learned this the hard way as I navigated some unsteady waters in my own life and through the process I realized that I needed to go at my own pace, I needed to learn the lessons to be learned, and I needed to grow from the experience.

Don’t get me wrong…it wasn’t all rainbows of self-reflection at the time but I’ve always been interested in how people work – how they behave, how they think, how they interact. I guess that’s why I gravitated to all the psychology classes in my undergrad degree and when I took my Masters in Business Administration I ended up in as many classes as I could about Organizational Behaviour, Leadership, and Teams.

All of that led me here – to the place where I get to work with both teams and individuals. I get to consult with organizations that are tackling big, messy projects or changes and I always start by focusing on the people-side of it (because let’s face it, the process isn’t the problem!). I also get to work with individuals who are going after a big dream or are looking to step into the next level of leadership in work or life.

While I know that uncertainty is hard I also know that how we think about and respond to it can have a big impact on well we thrive in today’s uncertain times. At times you and your team will be stretched, maybe edge into discomfort, but I also know that challenges are only presented as opportunities to learn and grow.

Nothing gets me more excited than watching someone step into their potential by making a big decision, navigating the challenges that arise, and confidently stepping into their new life. That goes for teams too, I LOVE working with teams of people because there is nothing more fascinating to me than the interactions between groups - throw in a dash of change - and it’s bound to be fun!

Fun Facts:

- Girl mom. Proud mom of 2 adorable girls and 2 girl pups.

- Farm wife. Married to the most handsome and hardworking farmer around.

- I did not grow up on a farm even though I’m from Saskatchewan. Read: I’m a continuous learner who loves a challenge and opportunities for growth. (If You Know, You Know 😊)

- I’m the oldest of 4 siblings – hence my great affinity for plans and all things organization.

- I’m crazy intuitive and I didn’t know this about myself until my 30s.


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Ready to make a bold move?

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